Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Alright, before I ever post anything on here again, I'm going to explain why I would normally NEVER do a blog. I don't mean to sound too negative or anything, I just feel I need to say this.

In a quick few words, "blogging" has become a shameless, self-promoting pull for attention. People are treating them like a public diary, often making it uncomfortable to read.

There ARE so many cool and interesting blogs out there, but you really have to sift through the pointless ones to get something interesting or useful.

Somehow, I got pulled into the world of blogdom, and I will try my darndest not to fall into the category of "pointless and annoying". I already know I'll post some self-promoting things, as well as some depreceating ones too, but hopefully something good will come out of this.

Hopefully I'll share things that people find interesting or appreciate.

If not, well, I tried.